The Accumulation and Distribution of Trace Metal Elements in Hainan Toona sinensis Population

Stem; Pb, root> leaf> stem> flower RA range of these elements is 10% 40%, an average of 24.97%; biomass RA is 26. 5% plant copper is significantly positively correlated with soil. Haizhou Toon has a strong tolerance to metals such as copper.

There are 50% species, and the communities are mainly Hainan citronella community. Samples were taken from 1.2 sampling sites in December and November to December 1998. Sampling lines were drawn along certain slopes along the hills. Points, a total of 5 points. Routine survey of 2-3 K1m2 quadrats at each site was conducted. At the same time, Haizhou Toona sinensis was collected (90,100 plant samples per sample were randomly selected as one sample), and soil samples (0,3 samples were tested for plant materials washed with ion-free water). The roots, stems and leaves were packaged and dried at 70C until constant weight, and weighed separately. The agate mill was crushed. After the soil samples were crushed, 80 mesh nylon sieves were sieved to separate the samples. Atomic Emission Spectrometer (ICP-AES) determines the content of metal elements.

1 Soil metal element content E. sho/t/z/aspledens, commonly known as copper grass flower, because it grows in the copper mining area, it is often used as an indicator plant for detecting copper ore. Its chemical composition has After investigating p, 'and its element content characteristics have not been reported, this paper discusses the cumulative distribution characteristics of several trace metal elements of the plant population and its relationship with soil, reproductive distribution characteristics of the population, etc. It provides scientific basis for the characteristics of plant geomorphology, vegetation restoration of degraded ecosystems in abandoned mining areas, and population reproductive ecology theory.

1.1 Overview of the site The Daye Tonglu Mountain Mine is one of the six largest copper production bases in the country. It is located in the northwest of Tonglushan Town, Daye City, Hubei Province. It is 114°53' east longitude and 30°05° north latitude. In the ancient copper ore smelting site protection zone, the site immediately adjacent to the site is the new mining area. The climate is a continental East Asian monsoon-type wet climate.

The annual total solar radiation is 392 years and the average temperature is 17°C. The average annual rainfall is 1406. 6mm. The geological is quartz positive oligoclase. The dolomite marble is the main plot in the mining area. The natural vegetation is sparse. The total coverage is about 40. % Pb>Cd in the sample plots of T. sinensis population in Hailu Mountain, Daye, China. Among them, Cu and Zn are more than 200 times and 90 times higher than the soil background values ​​(26.yg/g, 66 Tg/g) in Hubei Province, respectively. Red soil background value (92.22 plant metal element content According to the analysis of the metal elements content of different components of the plant population (Table 1), the results show that: the different elements have different content of different elements. The order of their size: Cu, root> flower> Flower> Stem; Cd, leaf> Flower> root> Stem CuPb was highest in root accumulation and lowest in stem; MnCd was highest in leaves and lowest in stem; Zn was highest in leaves, lowest in roots. Accumulation of different elements in whole plants and different components, Except for slightly different stems, they all showed Cu>Mn>Zn Pb>Cd, consistent with the order of the element contents in the soil. Table 1 The metal elements content of different components of T. chinensis population 0g/g) Element roots and stems Inflorescences average 23CuMnZnCdPb in the sea Polygonum sinensis population reproductive distribution (RA)CuMnZnCdPb In the reproductive distribution of Haizhou Toona sinensis, the RA of biomass is 20% to 30% with an average of 26.5%. The reproductive distribution of different heavy metal elements is different in this population (Table 1). The RA range of these metal elements is 10%~40. %, with an average of 24.97% of which, Pb had the lowest RA at 13.8%, and Zn had the highest at 34.24%. The CuMnCd RAs ranged from 20% to 30 and corresponded to the RA range of biomass. Table 1 shows that metal elements are reproductive. There is no proportional relationship between the distribution and the reproductive allocation of biomass (dry weight), and the distribution pattern of reproductive part and non-reproductive part is different. In the allocation of biomass, there are few roots, only 11.37%, and inflorescence accounts for 26.52%; Element Cu was the most abundant in roots, accounting for 45.07%, inflorescences accounted for 228%; Zn was the least in roots, accounting for 13.58%; inflorescences accounted for 34.24% of the stem except for Pb, the other elements were the lowest, and biomass was the lowest. The highest percentage. The different reproductive distribution and different distribution patterns of metal elements reflect both the magnitude of their movement capacity and the correlation analysis results of different 24-year-old plants with their ability to absorb and accumulate and use them. See Table 2 for the table. (2) It can be seen that there are positive correlations between trace metals in the soil of Haizhou torreya and soil. From the perspective of the whole plant, there is a very significant positive correlation between Cu and Cu in the soil (pMn>Zn>Pb>Cd; trace metal elements in different parts of the plant. In addition to Zn, several other metal elements are found in the least amount of stems.The above results indicate that these metal elements have different migratory abilities in plants and also indicate that the stems are in plant sources (roots) and sinks (leaves or flowers). Reproductive allocation (RA) is used for the transport of these elements, which is the proportion of resources used for assimilation by plants in one year.The previous studies focused on biomass and NP and other nutrients, while the study of trace heavy metals There was no report that Haizhou camphor was an annual plant. Its biomass (dry weight) had a RA of 20%~3 (%, with an average of 26.4%; CuMnZnCdPb element was found in Haizhou. The RA in the population is 1 (%~4 (%, Pb is lowest (13.8%), Zn is the highest (34.56%)), other elements are different in 20%~30% of different metal elements RA, both with the movement of these elements Competence, but also related to the nature of the use of these metal elements in the plant itself 3.2 The tolerance of heavy metals in Citrus sinensis in Haizhou The soil content of heavy metals in the Daqing Tonglushan mining area is high, especially copper, and its content is 200 times higher than the background value of Hubei Province. Many times, the soil plants grown from the copper-tolerant plants Arenariadoug/as, Bromousmollis, and Vulpiamicmstachya have long-term growth and evolved in copper fields to form different tolerance mechanisms for metals such as copper: one is the different absorption of copper and other metals by plant roots. The mechanism of accumulation is the mechanism of plant tolerance to metals. The roots of these plants accumulate more metal than the above-ground parts, and are significantly different from non-tolerant plants; the other is that the mechanism of plants tolerate metals such as copper is not the root Different absorption and accumulation mechanisms for metals 丨 Although these plants can absorb more copper metal in roots, there is no difference in tolerant and non-tolerant species. The type of acceptability remains to be further studied. Vegetation restoration of wasteland ecosystems in metal mines is the foundation and key to comprehensive management of this ecosystem. It is also one of the research hotspots in this field, and the key to vegetation restoration is tolerance. The selection of heavy metal pollutant species due to long-term mining, exposed land, combined with continuous smelting of waste slag accumulation, serious loss of water and soil, leading to serious pollution of the local water and land environment, due to poor soil conditions, high concentrations of heavy metals such as copper, plants are difficult to be on In addition, Haizhou camphor has strong tolerance to heavy metals such as copper and can grow on abandoned slag and wasteland in the mining area, often forming a vanguard dominant community, which is undoubtedly important for the treatment of environmental pollution in the copper mining area and restoration of the ecosystem vegetation. significance. second edition. Wuhan: Wuhan Publishing House, 1994. Environmental Protection Station. Investigation Report on Agricultural Environment Quality in Huangshi City . 1992, 7凇80. 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