Tungsten tungsten electrode
The thorium tungsten electrode is a tungsten electrode product which is prepared by adding powdered metallurgy and calendering and polishing process to the tungsten base. It is the earliest non-radioactive tungsten electrode product produced in China. The product is characterized by low current conditions. Excellent arcing performance, small arc current. Therefore, it is often used for the welding of pipes, stainless steel products and small precision parts. Under low current DC conditions or electrode diameters below 2.0 mm, tantalum tungsten electrodes are the preferred alternative to tantalum tungsten electrodes. Komatsu Undercarriage Parts,Undercarriage Parts For Excavators,Komatsu Excavator Parts,Caterpillar Undercarriage Parts JINING SHANTE SONGZHENG CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO.LTD , https://www.sdkomatsuexcavatorparts.com